Monday, March 9, 2020
The best pictures of swimmers Essays
The best pictures of swimmers Essays The best pictures of swimmers Essay The best pictures of swimmers Essay I proceeded to select something in the same range of interest, but not entailing as much to handle. Still hoping to create a project in the fashion industry, I decided on merely just creating a portfolio of designs I wish to create. After my sketches I would finalize them with a detailed drawing complete with colors. I would put the designs in a giant book resembling a scrapbook. Along with that I would find fabrics to go along with each article of clothing. Instead of creating the clothes, I would be gathering samples of materials. This seemed like fun to me, and I was excited to begin. I started with a few designs and focusing on perfection. After those were finished, it was harder than I thought to find fabrics that would suit each creation and accessories. That was just a small problem though. My interest was starting to deteriorate. The Personal Project is a year long affair. Even though this seemed fickle, I needed a topic I could commit to. This seemed almost too easy and just seemed all too familiar to me. Based on the advice of former sophomores, they told me that it was of great importance to pick an idea that would lead into new excitements and keep me hooked on the project. This was something that I have been doing for a hobby since middle school. The Personal Project is supposed to broaden horizons and I was looking forward to venturing into the unknown. I felt that my portfolio was limiting the possibilities and I was not taking advantage of such a golden opportunity to try something foreign to me. Therefore I decided to go into a new direction. Discouraged by the lack of fulfillment that fashion brought me and the failures of my former ideas, I desired complete opposition. I ruled out anything even relating to fashion and instead focused on another interest: writing and drawing. I wanted to incorporate writing and drawing into a childrens book. Childrens books are rich in colors and vibrant pictures which I have a knack for. They also require climatic and exaggerated storylines which I enjoy writing. Also, they need a creative layout and presentation. Many of these elements would help me not only with this book I was planning to create, but I could possibly acquire new skills for my career as an editor. As I began working, I felt this starting to go downhill too. It was boring and seemed so unoriginal. I needed to add sparkle with a new concept. What a better way to do that by adding one of my stronger classes of Spanish into the mix? By making the book bilingual, I would be strengthening my existing knowledge of the Spanish language and I would be learning new aspects. This was surely something I could stay dedicated to. I worked hard to come up with a storyboard and especially on pictures to accompany the plot. In fact, I was quite in to the drawing part. Still, I could not envision this standing out amongst other projects. I feed off attention and I wanted mine to be amazing, something that others will envy and more importantly something I could be proud of and remember forever. This seemed all too similar to other peoples works. In fact, one of my classmates had a striking resemblance to this exact idea. I could not share the spotlight with someone else. If wanted something that defined who I am and to be one of a kind. If this project was being duplicated by another, there is no way that I can rightfully call this my own. It could not mark just my personal development. It was not until winter when I finally came up with the perfect project. Briefly aforementioned is my involvement in swimming. This was one of the first interests to be ruled out because I quickly came to the conclusion that nothing can evolve into a year long study. Many past projects were videos or creating a team. But with swimming a video would be impossible and inappropriate. And developing a team requires much more than just having kids sign up. I would have to be of legal age and go through many six month long application projects. Also, coaching requires immense experience. I could not ethically teach kids proper stroke knowing there are better people suited for the position. I do, however, have quite an amount of knowledge of the sport, for my past coaches and my coach at the present time are all amazing. One of my more recent coaches and the one I have had the longest, has been especially helpful and really transforming me into the athlete I am today and I wish to pass on the expertise that he has bestowed upon me. Initially I completely bypassed any ideas because I was close minded and could not figure out a way to intertwine all of that with tangibility. After the crash of the previous idea though, the ideal project came to mind. As previously stated, I want to be an editor of a magazine. No one said it had to be fashion. There are numerous fashion magazines dominating the periodical industry. Yet I could not help but notice that there are very few swimming magazines. All of which are bimonthly and are brief. I knew exactly what I should do: create a magazine. I would design it for teen swimmers who are dedicated and want to be the best they can be. It would include basics of stroke and technique and tweaks to perfect it. In addition to that I would have proper nutrition for the active teen which is something I could easily attain data upon. Also, I would feature the latest swimming news about innovative products with ads to complement it and famous swimmers along with top times. At first I thought I would be doing this cover to cover. However, I am no expert in all of the areas I wish to include. All of the basis of information would be from the internet and other magazines which do not make it new to avid readers and I would feel like I am not finding out new facts on my own. I feel that a storyboard along with sample pages would carry across the general idea of my magazine. The storyboard would show the general content breaking up the subjects and giving a general feel for the magazine. The sample pages would display the layout and readability of the periodical. Along with that would be articles that I would use in the real thing. I would need to get information to do this and have valid sources from experts and other sources. Some of these sources unfortunately must be the internet and other book and periodicals because I do not have enough experience for me to be the sole informant. I am no Olympian and my swimming itself is no where near perfection. Also, time or location does not allow me to find all the needed experts and interview them, but I do have enough from coaches and personal accounts to have firsthand knowledge. I plan on the nutrition and wellness to be the strongest point of my magazine. I can arrange an appointment with a couple of nutritionists and interview my pediatrician for accurate health and diet specifics. Now that my topic was established, it was time to create a time table and plan of action for this to be followed through. First order of business was coming up with a snazzy name. Even though this was not top priority the name would confirm that this is my Personal Project and just make it seem more real to me. The name is important so I feel like I am fully committed and cannot turn back. I went through a series. I carefully thought of other names of magazines and what they do for them and how they apply to content. For example, Cosmopolitan. It is a womans sort of how-to guide for life. The name describes what the normal lady wants to be with a hip and suggestive name. It means for someone to fit in and be part of society, which, lets face it, everyone wants to be just that. The New Yorker is often associated with the elite of academia and writing. Also a New Yorker is thought to be one of a society of innovation. Therefore that name perfectly suits it. I want mine to be distinct, but still fun and youthful. I need it to hint at the fact its a swimming magazine without being blunt like Teens Swim and Nutrition. Therefore, after much deliberation, I came up with Eat My Wake. Secondly, I must have material to publish. I would start with something small like topics of articles. I knew that I was not going to publish an entire issue. So I needed to carefully choose what I was going to write sample articles on. These would be pretty general to ensure maximum understanding of the magazines purpose. I decided that a guide to each stroke with an introduction, key movements, and tweaks to perfection would be good to cover the stroke aspect of the topics. For nutrition, I would describe ideal foods and diets for better performance along with suggested calorie count and necessary nutrients. Finally, I would have recent swimming news and momentous meet updates (this would be the last thing to write about so I can include the most recent information at the time the Personal Project is presented). In the back of the magazine would be top times for all age groups and world records so swimmers can compare themselves to the leaders of the country. Then I needed to think of what I wanted to use that would illustrate my articles. The best pictures of swimmers are those nearest to perfection. These are our Olympian athletes and role models that we aspire to be. I wish I had a team of photographers to go and get my own original pictures of them, but the closest I will have is the internet and other magazines and posters. So I scanned these looking for action shots portraying what I focus on in a particular article. Pictures rich in movement are motivating and easy to admire. After finding pictures I would move on the part requiring the most attention: the articles.
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